Friday, June 26, 2015

Amelia Earhart

Noon Thursday June 25

Same day as Willa Cather...since I was done in Red Cloud by noon, looked at the map and decided I could make it to Atchison, Kansas today to see Amelia Earhart's home.  It was only 211 miles.  I would be breaking my 230 rule but it would be worth it.

Made better time than I thought arriving at 3:30 so decided to do the self guided home tour.
Amelia Earhart's grandparents' home where she was born
Amelia's bedroom
Amelia was born and spent a lot of time growing up here because her father traveled a lot with his profession.

The surrounding homes in this neighborhood make this one seem humble.

Talking with the docent about my trip, she said I was a "modern day Amelia Earhart". I like that.

When I got back to the Doodlebug, my CO alarm was going off and beeping red, the danger sign! Now what?! 
So I opened all the windows, checked for leaking gas and called a repair place. She suggested the battery was low, which it was because I had not stayed in rv parks plugged in the last two nights. So I drove to Warnack Lake where I plugged in and charged the generator and everything is working and the CO stopped beeping almost immediately. The difference between ordeal and adventure is attitude.  There is no wifi here for blogging, so fixed a sandwich and went to bed.  

Warnack Lake where I got recharged...............


  1. Amelia Earhart -- NOW we're talkin'!

  2. May I quote you? "The difference between ordeal & adventure is attitude." I like it!! I'll now think of you as the modern day Amelia - like that comparison also ....

  3. Wow--Amelia didn't exactly live the shabby life! What a terrible loss for her family. They just found a piece of her plane. She had landed but she and the navigator starved to death.

    When you said you CO alarm went off, I'm thinking "what is a Colorado alarm?"
