Saturday, June 27, 2015

Down time at Atchison, Kansas

Friday June 26

A terrific rainstorm last night with lightning and thunder, very exciting! But I'm snug in my Doodle, finally I have a "room of my own".  Thinking of yesterday's challenge with the CO alarm, it occurs to me that people my age often find themselves at a loss to come up with a late adventure that doesn't involve romance. This trip is my late great adventure of my 70's and it won't be with any one man, but will be learning how to get along without anyone by my side.  I have my doubts, what am I capable of that I don't know yet?   What are my limits?  Am I equal to anything a trip like this could throw at me?

The first thing it has thrown at me is the frustrating inability to become proficient at the technology I've brought along. Without Bobbie's long distance tech help there would be no blog. Thx, Bobbie!

Spent the day in the Atchison, Kansas library catching up on blogs the last few days where there was no wifi. It's just like me to make a giant homework assignment of this trip. I want to remember it all so my kids can read it to me in the nursing home when I've long forgotten who I am.

The evening was in the Lewis and Clark State Park, again no wifi so had a quiet time of reading after making friends with the neighbors. A few friends have admitted to envying my reclusive roadtrip.  I can't help but think there is something wrong with solitude such as mine that can be envied by happily married women with children.


  1. But you have made all these posts perfectly fine without my help and so by definition you *are* proficient!
