Monday, June 29, 2015

Lessons learned

Sunday, June 28

Fixing breakfast and feeling guilty about not finding a Catholic church for Mass like my Mom used to when we were driving to California on vacations.  Noticed I had left the driver's side and passenger side windows open all night! It was warm and I had wanted the breeze earlier. Too much hot tub...I've got to be more careful. That mass murderer might have been in the neighborhood.

Headed for deSmet, South Dakota, home of Laura Ingalls Wilder of Little House on the Prairie. Very beautiful green rolling hills, some flat land.
So mesmerizing that I forgot to check my gas and noticed I only had 1/4 tank left and it was still pretty far to deSmet, so went back 10 miles to the nearest gas station according to my gas app on my phone.  Also happened to notice I needed an oil change 50 miles ago so will do that in deSmet. When will all of this become automatic?!  I need to find a cute young mechanic to bring along to keep his mind on this stuff so I can  just enjoy the trip!

After leaving Madison with a full gas tank and headed toward deSmet,  Gypsy (my GPS) told me when I get to a certain # road "a dirt road" she said, I should turn left on it and continue to Thompson Lake State Park where I had a reservation for the night.  I came to the correct # road (" a dirt road" just as she said), turned down it and the road was soon covered with weeds and I could see a few hundred yards ahead that it ended IN the lake! It was a WTF moment so I turned around, nearly high centering the Doodle and headed into deSmet where someone gave me correct directions for Lake Thompson saying "you have to be careful with GPS around here". Obviously.

So there you have it, for all of you who wanted not to see the sights, but to know how it really is on the road.


  1. Such good lessons, and so early in the trip... All will be automatic by February. :-) I know two good mechanics but don't know how they'd feel about an RV -- they do really well with aircraft, however! Looking forward to the pics from the Laura Ingalls Wilder museums. (Also FYI: "Ingalls" auto-corrects to "Inhales" if you aren't paying attention). Glad I caught it. XOXO

  2. Little adventures to keep you on your toes!
