Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day One - Starship Doodlebug finally launched!

Monday June 15, 2015

On the road finally after window washing in Lisa's driveway.  She wanted to do this for me but since  she wouldn't be coming along on the trip I had to find out if I could do it myself.  You will be glad to know that I have bought a long handled squeegee so won't be up on ladders again.

Deciding on a direction to start off in was easier with some preliminary planning.  Months ago I got all the articles I had been saving since the 70s and spread them out over the dining room table to sort into piles according to states.

Then organized them into a box alphabetically that would fit on a shelf in the Doodle. Now I can find info easily but still must go on the internet to research to be sure some of these places (museums, etc) still exist and check the hours they are open.

Continuing the giant homework assignment I placed red dots on a map of the US for each place to be visited.  Blue dots show people to see along the way. Buster is helping.

Red dots = places to be visited, blue dots = people to see along the way

First stop was at dtr Bobbie and boyfriend Nacio's in Berkeley to solve one last computer glitz, then  finally headed out to Vacaville to see Janet (Peggy Long's dtr) and Mike who I missed on the end of the Seattle trip. Janet makes killer blueberry muffins. Mike had an appt so wasn't in the photo.  Both gave their OK for the photo. I always ask in case anyone is in the witness protection program.

Vacaville - Janet (Peggy Long's dtr)

Stayed at an RV park in Vacaville where there was a problem accessing their wifi.  The ladies in the office solved the problem nicely.  Another reason for my "230 rule"  to be in an RV park by 2:30 in the afternoon or after driving 230 miles. If I had arrived after they closed at 5,  I would not have had their help.

So I didn't get very far the first day but it still counts as being on the road.

Am now in Colorado and have been too busy to blog but will catch you up in the next few days. In the meantime you know I'm still alive.............


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great! Looking forward to the report from Park City and driveway surfing at Tyler's.

  3. I have been loving reading your blog. Soooo glad you got a long handled squeegee and won't be getting up on that ladder again! Be safe!!
